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....MedSafer Acute Care..MedSécure Soins Aigus....



1. ....Kuijpers MA, van Marum RJ, Egberts AC, Jansen PA. Relationship between polypharmacy and underprescribing. British journal of clinical pharmacology. 2008;65(1):130-133. ..1. Kuijpers MA, van Marum RJ, Egberts AC, Jansen PA. Relationship between polypharmacy and underprescribing. [Les relations entre la polypharmacie et la déprescription]. British journal of clinical pharmacology. 2008;65(1):130-133. ....

2. ....Linton A, Garber M, Fagan NK, Peterson MR. Examination of multiple medication use among TRICARE beneficiaries aged 65 years and older. Journal of managed care pharmacy : JMCP. 2007;13(2):155-162. ..2. Linton A, Garber M, Fagan NK, Peterson MR. Examination of multiple medication use among TRICARE beneficiaries aged 65 years and older. [Analyse de la prise de médicaments multiples par les bénéficiaires du programme TRICARE de 65 ans et plus]. Journal of managed care pharmacy : JMCP. 2007;13(2):155-162. ....

3. ....Boyd CM, Darer J, Boult C, Fried LP, Boult L, Wu AW. Clinical practice guidelines and quality of care for older patients with multiple comorbid diseases: implications for pay for performance. JAMA. 2005;294(6):716-724. ..3. Boyd CM, Darer J, Boult C, Fried LP, Boult L, Wu AW. Clinical practice guidelines and quality of care for older patients with multiple comorbid diseases: implications for pay for performance. [Directives cliniques d’ordre pratique pour le traitement des patients âgés souffrant de comorbidités multiples : conséquences sur le paiement à l’acte]. JAMA. 2005;294(6):716-724. ....

4. ....Hajjar ER, Hanlon JT, Sloane RJ, et al. Unnecessary drug use in frail older people at hospital discharge. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005;53(9):1518-1523. ..4. Hajjar ER, Hanlon JT, Sloane RJ, et al. Unnecessary drug use in frail older people at hospital discharge. [L’usage de médicaments inutiles lors du congé de l’hôpital des personnes fragilisées]. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005;53(9):1518-1523. ....

5. ....Astrand B, Astrand E, Antonov K, Petersson G. Detection of potential drug interactions - a model for a national pharmacy register. European journal of clinical pharmacology. 2006;62(9):749-756. ..5. Astrand B, Astrand E, Antonov K, Petersson G. Detection of potential drug interactions - a model for a national pharmacy register. [La détection des interactions potentielles entre médicaments : un modèle de registre national de pharmacie]. European journal of clinical pharmacology. 2006;62(9):749-756. ....

6. ....Poudel A, Peel NM, Nissen L, Mitchell C, Gray LC, Hubbard RE. Potentially inappropriate prescribing in older patients discharged from acute care hospitals to residential aged care facilities. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(11):1425-1433. ..6. Astrand B, Astrand E, Antonov K, Petersson G. Detection of potential drug interactions - a model for a national pharmacy register. [La détection des interactions potentielles entre médicaments : un modèle de registre national de pharmacie]. European journal of clinical pharmacology. 2006;62(9):749-756. ....

7. ....Tamblyn R, Huang AR, Meguerditchian AN, et al. Using novel Canadian resources to improve medication reconciliation at discharge: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2012;13:150. ..7. Tamblyn R, Huang AR, Meguerditchian AN, et al. Using novel Canadian resources to improve medication reconciliation at discharge: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. [L’utilisation de nouvelles ressources canadiennes pour améliorer la réconciliation des médicaments lors du congé de l’hôpital : protocole d’étude pour un essai aléatoire contrôlé]. Trials. 2012;13:150. ....

8. ....Marengoni A, Pasina L, Concoreggi C, et al. Understanding adverse drug reactions in older adults through drug-drug interactions. European journal of internal medicine. 2014;25(9):843-846. ..8. Marengoni A, Pasina L, Concoreggi C, et al. Understanding adverse drug reactions in older adults through drug-drug interactions. [Un examen des relations entre médicaments pour comprendre les effets indésirables liés aux médicaments chez les personnes âgées]. European journal of internal medicine. 2014;25(9):843-846. ....

9. ....Hamilton H, Gallagher P, Ryan C, Byrne S, O'Mahony D. Potentially inappropriate medications defined by STOPP criteria and the risk of adverse drug events in older hospitalized patients. Arch Intern Med. 2011;171(11):1013-1019. ..9. Hamilton H, Gallagher P, Ryan C, Byrne S, O'Mahony D. Potentially inappropriate medications defined by STOPP criteria and the risk of adverse drug events in older hospitalized patients. [Les médicaments potentiellement inappropriés selon la définition des critères STOPP et le risque d’effets indésirables liés aux médicaments chez les patients âgés hospitalisés], Arch Intern Med. 2011;171(11):1013-1019. ....

10. ....Hamilton HJ, Gallagher PF, O'Mahony D. Inappropriate prescribing and adverse drug events in older people. BMC geriatrics. 2009;9:5. ..10. Hamilton HJ, Gallagher PF, O'Mahony D. Inappropriate prescribing and adverse drug events in older people. [La prescription inappropriée et les effets indésirables liés aux médicaments chez les personnes âgées]. BMC geriatrics. 2009;9:5. ....

11. ....Steinman Ma HJT. Managing medications in clinically complex elders: “There's got to be a happy medium”. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2010;304(14):1592-1601. ..11. Steinman Ma HJT. Managing medications in clinically complex elders: “There's got to be a happy medium”. [La gestion des médicaments chez les personnes âgées ayant des symptômes complexes. « Il doit bien exister un moyen terme harmonieux »]. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2010;304(14):1592-1601. ....

12. ....Wu C, Bell CM, Wodchis WP. Incidence and economic burden of adverse drug reactions among elderly patients in Ontario emergency departments: a retrospective study. Drug safety. 2012;35(9):769-781. ..12. Wu C, Bell CM, Wodchis WP. Incidence and economic burden of adverse drug reactions among elderly patients in Ontario emergency departments: a retrospective study. [Étude rétrospective sur l’incidence et le poids économique des effets indésirables liés aux médicaments chez les patients âgés des services d’urgence de l’Ontario.] Drug safety. 2012;35(9):769-781. ....

13. ....Scott IA, Hilmer SN, Reeve E, et al. Reducing Inappropriate Polypharmacy: The Process of Deprescribing. JAMA internal medicine. 2015;175(5):827-834. ..13. Scott IA, Hilmer SN, Reeve E, et al. Reducing Inappropriate Polypharmacy: The Process of Deprescribing. [Réduire la polypharmacie inappropriée : un procédé de déprescription]. JAMA internal medicine. 2015;175(5):827-834. ....

14. ....O'Mahony D, O'Sullivan D, Byrne S, O'Connor MN, Ryan C, Gallagher P. STOPP/START criteria for potentially inappropriate prescribing in older people: version 2. Age and ageing. 2014. ..14. O'Mahony D, O'Sullivan D, Byrne S, O'Connor MN, Ryan C, Gallagher P. STOPP/START criteria for potentially inappropriate prescribing in older people: version 2. [Les critères STOPP/START appliqués à la prescription potentiellement inappropriée chez les personnes âgées : version 2]. Age and ageing. 2014. ....

15. ....American Geriatrics Society 2015 Updated Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015;63(11):2227-2246. ..15. American Geriatrics Society 2015 Updated Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults. [La nouvelle version des critères de Beers appliqués à l’usage inapproprié de médicaments chez les personnes âgées]. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015;63(11):2227-2246. ....

16. ....Cross C. Introducing deprescribing into culture of medication. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2013;185(13):E606-E606. ..16. Cross C. Introducing deprescribing into culture of medication. [L’introduction de la déprescription dans la culture de la médication]. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2013;185(13):E606-E606. ....

17. ....Frank C. Deprescribing: a new word to guide medication review. Canadian Medical Association. Journal. 2014;186(6):407. ..17. Frank C. Deprescribing: a new word to guide medication review. [La déprescription : un nouveau terme pour orienter l’examen du processus de médication]. Canadian Medical Association. Journal. 2014;186(6):407. ....

18. ....Whitty R, Porter S, Battu K, et al. A pilot study of a Medication Rationalization (MERA) intervention. CMAJ open 2018;6:E87-E94. ..18. Whitty R, Porter S, Battu K, et al. A pilot study of a Medication Rationalization (MERA) intervention. [Une étude pilote sur une démarche de rationalisation de la médication]. CMAJ open 2018;6:E87-E94. ....

19. ....Gnjidic D, Le Couteur DG, Hilmer SN. Discontinuing drug treatments. BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 2014;349:g7013. ..19. Gnjidic D, Le Couteur DG, Hilmer SN. Discontinuing drug treatments. [La discontinuation des médicaments]. BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 2014;349:g7013. ....

20. ....Forster AJ, Murff HJ, Peterson JF, Gandhi TK, Bates DW. Adverse drug events occurring following hospital discharge. J Gen Intern Med 2005;20:317-23. ..20. Forster AJ, Murff HJ, Peterson JF, Gandhi TK, Bates DW. Adverse drug events occurring following hospital discharge. [Les effets indésirables liés aux médicaments se produisant après le congé de l’hôpital]. J Gen Intern Med 2005;20:317-23. ....

21. ....Forster AJ, Clark HD, Menard A, et al. Adverse events among medical patients after discharge from hospital. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne 2004;170:345-9. ..21. Forster AJ, Clark HD, Menard A, et al. Adverse events among medical patients after discharge from hospital. [Les effets indésirables liés aux médicaments se produisant chez les patients hospitalisés après le congé de l’hôpital]. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne 2004;170:345-9. ....

22. ....Forster AJ, Murff HJ, Peterson JF, Gandhi TK, Bates DW. The incidence and severity of adverse events affecting patients after discharge from the hospital. Annals of internal medicine 2003;138:161-7. ..22. Forster AJ, Murff HJ, Peterson JF, Gandhi TK, Bates DW. The incidence and severity of adverse events affecting patients after discharge from the hospital. [L’incidence et la gravité des effets indésirables affectant les patients après leur congé de l’hôpital]. Annals of internal medicine 2003;138:161-7. ....

23. ....Bates DW, et al. Incidence of adverse drug events and potential adverse drug events. Implications for prevention. ADE Prevention Study Group. JAMA. 1995;274(1):29-34. ..23. Bates DW, et al. Incidence of adverse drug events and potential adverse drug events. Implications for prevention. [L’incidence des effets indésirables liés aux médicaments et des effets indésirables potentiels. Répercussions sur la prévention]. ADE Prevention Study Group. JAMA. 1995;274(1):29-34. ....

24. ....Leape LL, et al. Systems analysis of adverse drug events. ADE Prevention Study Group.JAMA. 1995;274(1):35-43. ..24. Leape LL, et al. Systems analysis of adverse drug events. [Une analyse de système des effets indésirables liés aux médicaments]. ADE Prevention Study Group. JAMA. 1995;274(1):35-43. ....